Ode Aseguinolaza
as Sonic Artist
Any individual is imprinted within the environment in wich he operates: a sensitive environment that is revealed through sounds.
whether familiar sounds refer us back to a personal, or perhaps collective history, or other sounds escape our immediate attention, the composer collects these sounds and reframes them again in such a way
that they can also be revealed, expressed and shared to others.
The composer rarely has the opportunity to be confronted directly with immediate dynamic elements, creates his work on the basis of events digested, or in gestation. In a post-event dynamic, he elaborates a writing that, mixed with the sound world that he carries within him, enables him to tell a story.
My long Journey from classical to electronic and electro-acoustic music, through concrete music, contributed to the direction of my creative space.
As for the encounter between friendly artistic disciplines, it's rich and stimulating for the artists who are very keen to explore their respective worlds to elaborate a collective work, which creative process tends towards an original aesthetic research.
Du corps au son
Chorégraphie & interprétation:
Sabaline Fournier
Conception musicale:
Ode Aseguinolaza
Régie générale et lumière:
Sylvain Dubain
Régie son et plateau
Jérémy Pompey
Kinetic sculpture by Frédéric Laffont (2021)
Teaser: Fréderic Laffont
Music: Ode Aseguinolaza
Tu t'en souviens?, Collectif Dantzaz 2021 (Teaser)
Chorégraphie: Sabaline Fournier Interprétation : Naël Saint-Paul & Sabaline Fournier
Musique: Ode Aseguinolaza
Lumière: Sylvain Dubun
Teaser: Mederic Grandet
BOLERO, Cie Atelier Dantza (2019)
Chorégraphie: Sabaline Fournier
Création musicale: Ode Aseguinolaza, Vianney Oudart
Création lumière: Sylvain Dubun
Captation: Audiense (Sébastien Croquefer) Soliste & co-chorégraphe solo: Luna Beller-Tadiar
A l'Horizon Des Evènements
Artistic research
Piece created in Snape Maltings, in the context of the "Stolen Voices" workshop: "The Felixstowe affair", from 8 september to 12 september 2017
Stolen Voices | Felixstowe |
we were the silent ones
walking together each one in his solitude.
Like fishermen we threw our nets in thoses spaces
I caught sounds, visions and emotions in my dreamcatcher all along this'balade"
Projection of an oniric reality
"Boarding for the Interworld"
by Ode Aseguinolaza and L'Fou
a sound and visual Journey in three sequences around an enigmatic
"untitled work" generating multiple metamorphoses of the participants
1st sequence
"The investigation"
Time 2/5 Discovery of the perfomance space
2nd sequence
"The dream"
Tim 1/3 The flight of the Butterfly